Home InternationalVietnamese Chicken simmered in Coconut Water

Chicken simmered in Coconut Water

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Published under: Vietnamese

Chicken Thighs – 6
Chicken Drumsticks – 6, small
Oil – 2 tblsp
Red Chilli – 1, deseeded and chopped
Garlic – 3, cloves, peeled
Lemongrass – 2 stems
Fish Sauce – 2 1/2 tblsp
Ginger – 3/4 inch, peeled
Green Peppercorns – 3 sprigs
Coconut Cream – 800 ml
Zucchini – 3 cups, cubed

1. Grind the chilli, garlic and 1 lemongrass stem to a paste.
2. Spread over the chicken, add 1 tblsp fish sauce and massage the seasoning into the chicken.
3. Marinate for 30 minutes.
4. Heat the oil in a pan and brown the chicken pieces.
5. Remove to a plate.
6.  When done, return all the chicken to the pan and add the remaining fish sauce, ginger and peppercorns.
7. Carefully skim off the thick cream from the top of the coconut cream, and use only the clear liquid below.
8. Add to the chicken with enough water and simmer for about 20 minutes.
9. Add the vegetables and continue to simmer, stirring occastionally, until the chicken and vegetables are tender.
10. Adjust seasonings.
11. Serve.

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