Phool Gobhi Kerau

Published under: CauliflowerPeas

Cauliflower – 750 gms, cut into medium sized florets
Green Peas – 200 gms, shelled
Mustard Oil – 4 tbsp
Fenugreek Seeds – 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder – 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Garlic – 1 tbsp, peeled, crushed
Ginger – 2 tsp, scraped, finely ground
Green Chillies – 6 to 7, slit, deseeded

1. Slit the stalks of the florets and immerse in water.
2. Mix 1/2 tsp salt with the green peas.
3. Heat the mustard oil in a pan.
4. Add the fenugreek seeds.
5. When it crackles, add the drained florets.
6. Cook covered till soft.
7. Add the turmeric powder and toss.
8. After 2 minutes, add salt and cook covered for 5 minutes till the cauliflower becomes tender.
9. If still not tender, sprinkle a little water and cook covered again.
10. Add the garlic, ginger, green chillies, and peas and cook covered, stirring occasionally till the peas turn tender and the oil separates.
11. Serve hot.

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