It’s the middle of the summer, it’s hot and sticky out, the corn is growing high…which can mean only one thing (well, it probably means a few things): Peaches are in season and ready to get in my belly!!  This is that time of the summer, where it finally dawns on me that strawberries (my favorite fruit, I’m pretty sure) are sadly out of season, but peaches are ripe and ready to be eaten.
There are so many things you can do with peaches!  Growing up, my parents had a peach tree in the back yard.  My parents, I’m pretty sure, hated that tree.  But, I loved it, because it meant that my mom would make and freeze several peach pies get us through the long, cold winter season.  Those peach pies were magical in the eyes of a child.  Besides pie, there are still so many things you can do with peaches.  I put peaches in cakes, breads, on pizzas, in baked oatmeal…the possibilities are endless.  Last week, I made and Honey Ricotta and Peach Bruschetta.
Easy and Simple Grilled Peaches
So, tonight, I made grilled peaches.  I’ve been dreaming about grilled peaches for some time now. I mean, look at these gorgeous peaches.  The color is stunning.  Ohhh. Emm. Gee.  Do you eat with your eyes? Food blogger truth: I do. I totally eat with my eyes.  Well, these vibrant peaches are just too yummy and so easy to make in just a few simple steps.  This really is a wonderfully refreshing  dessert to throw together, whether it’s after a long day at work or for your dinner guests.
Easy and Simple Grilled Peaches
- 2 Ripe Peaches
- 2 Tbsp Greek Yogurt Vanilla or Plain
- Cinnamon To Taste
- 2 Tbsp Honey
- Olive Oil Spray
- Turn your grill on, letting it heat up to approximately 300-400 degrees
- Halve each peach, removing the stone. Leave the skin intact.
- Spray the open face side of the peach with the olive oil. Using tongs, place the open face side of the peach directly on the hot grill.
- Leave the peaches on the grill for 7-10 minutes, or until the peaches have great char marks on them.
- Plate the peaches, sprinkling them with cinnamon, to taste. (I like a healthy amount of cinnamon.) Add a dollop of yogurt onto each peach and to finish, drizzle honey over the plate.