Cucumber Soup

Published under: CucumberSoup

Fresh Cucumber – 3, medium (check for bitterness)
Spinach leaves – 3 or 4
Corn Flour – 1 tblsp
White Onion – 1
Potato – 1, medium
Salt – as required
Pepper Powder – as required
Butter – 1 1/2 tblsp (optional)
Fresh Cream – as required for serving (optional)
Milk – 1 cup
Bayleaf – 1
Sugar – 2 tsp

For Stock:
1. Peel and chop onion, potato into medium sized pieces.
2. Cook both together in 5 cups of water along with a bayleaf, till potatoes are tender.
3. Strain and use the water alone for this soup.

For Soup:
1. Peel outer skin from cucumber.
2. Using a ball scooper scoop 15-20 small balls from cucumber and keep aside for decoration.
3. Grate rest of the cucumber.
4. Heat little butter in a pan and fry spinach leaves and then grated cucumber.
5. Fry in medium flame without browning for 1-2 minutes.
6. Stir in corn flour and fry for another minute.
7. Pour half of the prepared stock along with one green chilli.
8. Pressure cook in reduced flame till one whistle.
9. Cool down and discard green chilli.
10. Blend well in a mixie.
11. Strain and reheat the soup with the rest of the stock, milk, salt, sugar and pepper powder.
12. Serve hot with a few cucumber balls and little fresh cream.
13. This soup can be served hot or cold.

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