Home DessertCakes Swiss Roll

Swiss Roll

Published under: Cakes

Swiss Roll
Eggs – 4
Flour – 1 cup
Sugar – 1/2 cup
Baking powder – 1/2 tsp
Raspberry jam – 2 tblsp

1. Put the sugar and yolks of eggs into a bowl and beat them well till light and frothy.
2. Mix in the flour very lightly and the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Add the baking powder last.
3. Grease a flat baking tray of an oblong shape. Pour the mixture into the depth of 1/4 inch and bake in a quick oven for 10-12 minutes.
4. The top of the cake should be nicely browned. When ready turn the cake on to an oil paper well sprinkled with sugar.
5. Trim the edges neatly with a knife.
6. Spread the jam (slightly warmed) over the cake quickly and evenly and roll it up quickly while yet warm or else it will crack in doing so.
7. When cold cut it into thick slices.

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