
Published under: Snacks

rice flour – 500 gms
coconut, grated – 200 gms
eggs, whisked till stiff – 2
sugar – 3 tbsp
salt to taste

1. Extract 2 3/4 cups milk from the grated coconut.
2. Mix the rice flour with coconut milk into a smooth butter. Add the eggs; mix well. Add sugar, sesame seeds, and salt. Use less sugar or the batter will stick to the mould.
3. Heat some oil in a wok. When hot, place the achappam mould into the oil for 10 minutes or until the mould becomes very hot. Lift the mould carefully, dip into the batter, then place it back into the oil. When the achappam turns light brown, gently shake the mould to remove it. Leave in the oil for another 2 minutes until golden. Lift and drain. Repeat the process till all the batter has been used.
4. Cool and store in airtight jars.

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