Out of all the natural remedies to lower the already high blood pressure, most involve your diet. Bad eating habits can lead one to the grave in a deadly way hence checking on the diet and eating habits needs to be started real early.
- Vegetables – Eating vegetables help in getting plenty of nutrients, indispensable for lowering blood pressure. 4 to 5 servings of vegetables are suggested, on a per-day basis. They also assist in the flushing of cholesterol and plaque by their high fiber content which is water-soluble.
- Fruits – Fruits are another helpful inclusions in the diet, which contain water soluble fibers which aid in flushing the entire body. Fruits are also known to contain Vitamin C (which is also called ascorbic acid) which is basically the vitamin that has been in the news always. A 500 milligram supplement of vitamin C can visibly and undoubtedly reduce high pressure by at least a margin of 9 percent. 4 to 5 servings of this too, are recommended, highly.
- Grains – We highly recommend switching entirely, or almost, to whole grains. For instance, oats surely have been found to work effectively in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure. Remembering the current set of commercials add to proving the point. Make sure to look at the kinds of breads and cereals you are eating. Ensuring high dietary fiber content on the label of whatever food is bought, is mandatory.
- The Big Fish Catch – 2 – 3 servings of fish each week is a perfect health tip for the heart. It is also significant to know that fish oil visibly reduces blood pressure. If you enormously dislike fish, you can supplement with fish oil capsules and also one tablespoon of flaxseed oil on a daily basis.
- Low Fat – Whenever probable, you should be choosing lean meats and dairy products having a lower content of fat. This will help to keep the arteries open like freeways and would normalize required balances. Needless to mention, it would help maintain the weight which harms the pressure balance easily otherwise.
- Walnuts – Nuts can be included in the meat group for higher protein content. They are also loaded with loads of micronutrients. For example, an ounce of walnuts daily would give the Omega 3s needed, while almonds, loaded with potassium and selenium, serve as a great source of vitamin E.
- Water – This is the most vital requirement of all, ever mentioned. Eliminating waste from the body is one of the countless benefits from drinking ample water and keeping the body hydrated. It will help flush sodium (major contributor to hypertension). Water will also reduce food cravings by giving the illusion of being full. By consuming 12 glasses of water daily, you cannot just lower high blood pressure but lose weight too!
- Sodium – Salt is a major contributor for this deadly disease. You should be avoiding processed or prepared foods to curb salt intake. If you go dining outside, drink ample water to flush out the excess sodium intake.
- Organics – A great way to keep your body functioning at optimal levels is to start eating organic produce. Pesticides and harmful chemicals can otherwise invite unnecessary troubles. The producers which should be organic include strawberries, bell peppers, peaches, apples and lettuce.
- Cheers – Drinking plenty of green tea has also been revealed to decrease pressure. You should make the habit of drinking a minimum of one cup per day to relax. Relaxing would automatically help keep the pressure controlled.