Home Food Guide Delicacies for Children’s Day

Delicacies for Children’s Day

Published under: Food Guide

Children’s Day marks an eventful occasion in the life of your child that should be made memorable in all possible manners. Scrumptious recipes that will delight the palate can be the best treat for your child.

Numerous options are available when it boils down to choosing the right mix to cheer your little ones up. Innovative recipes that are low on fat producing ingredients will salubriously make the day.

Happy Childrens Day

Chocolate Treat:

Chocolates have been a favorite with children since time immemorial. As such, a well prepared chocolate delicacy will brighten their spirits.

The ingredients for the same are flour ( 2 cups), butter ( half cup), castor sugar (half cup), condensed milk ( half cup), chocolate powder (half cup), almonds ( half cup), and one tablespoonful of baking powder.

The flour and baking powder are to be sifted. Once done, butter and chocolate powder is to be added to the sifted combination and is to be rubbed with fingers. Next, chopped almonds and castor sugar is to be sprinkled over. The condensed milk is to be gently folded in and rolled into tiny balls. A greased baking tray is to be taken in which the small balls are to be placed at regular intervals for being baked in oven at moderate heat for about twenty minutes. Mouth-watering chocolate cookies with awesome aroma are ready to be served.

Silky Apple Jelly:

Another juicy treat for your children is the soft and silky apple jelly.

The ingredients required will be two firm apples, eight glace cherries, one packet jelly of preferred flavor, eight champagne glasses, two pinches of clove cinnamon powder, half cup sugar, two cups of water, two tablespoonful’s of corn flour, eight scoops of vanilla ice cream, and one drop of yellow color for tinting purpose.

The jelly is to be set according to the instructions prescribed on the packet. Apple is to be peeled and cut into quarters. Peeled apple quarters with sugar sprinkled over them are to be placed in a heavy saucepan and heated on high with water being periodically poured over it. The gas is to be taken off after the entire sugar content has dissolved and the apples got mellowed. After removing the apples, the content is to be drained in a colander. Water, corn flour, cloves, cinnamon powder and yellow color are to be added to the leftover syrup. The syrup is to be boiled with frequent stirring until it gets thick.

The jelly is to sliced into cubes and put in glasses. A scoop of tasty ice-cream is to be placed on top of the jelly. Follow this by placing an apple quarter over it with some warm sauce. The jelly is ready to be served after topping with cherry.

Delicious Doughnuts:

Plain doughnuts too have a glorious presence in the list of cuisines deemed apt for children’s day.

The primary ingredients are a half liter of milk, 250gm of flour, three eggs, a little sugar, one pouch of vanilla sugar, 50 ml of oil, half packet of baking powder, and a little salt.

The flour and baking powder with a pinch of sugar and salt sprinkled are to be placed in a mixing bowl. A hollow is to be carved out of the center where oil, milk and egg are to be added. The entire mixture is to be stirred thoroughly till the batter assumes a smooth shape. The donut preparation appliance is to be pre-heated for about five minutes. One tablespoonful of butter is to be filled in each donut mold and the appliance is to be closed. The molds are to be baked appropriately till a brownish tint develops. Serve the finished donuts.

Children’s day will certainly become a day to cherish for your bundles of joy once the aforesaid delectable dishes are served before them.

For more ideas, browse our selection of tasty and quick Recipes for Children

Happy Children’s Day

image credit: Abhishek Gupta

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