- Using fresh fruits and vegetables in prime condition ensures optimum nutritional value.
- Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables – a direct way towards a healthier diet for all the family.
- There are no artificial flavors, colours or preservatives, some of which are known to have adverse effects on people with allergies and on children.
- Fruit and some vegetables, particularly carrots and beetroot, are naturally sweet so smoothies and juices are an easy way to reduce sugar intake without compromising taste.
- They take hardly and time to make, yet provide an instant energy boost and quench your thirst.
- They offer a tasty and interesting alternative to commercial products, cost less, are usually healthier and can be adapted to your personal taste.
- You can drink them any time of day from breakfast to bedtime and they provide a far better, longer-lasting and healthier snack when your energy is flagging than crisps, chocolate or biscuits.
- They are a great way of using up odd pieces of fruit – the last banana in the bowl or a few grapes left on the stem – providing they are still in good condition.
- You know exactly what ingredients have been used, so there are no unpleasant surprises or hidden quantities of saturated fats or sugar.
- They taste fabulous.