Home HealthDiabetic Arugampul Juice (Bermuda Grass Juice)

Arugampul Juice (Bermuda Grass Juice)

Published under: DiabeticHealth

Arugampul (or Bermuda Grass) is very popular in Ayurveda/Siddha medicine with numerous medicinal properties and is being used for hundreds of years to treat various ailments. It is often considered as a holy herb along with neem and basil. The juice extract of Arugampul is a great detoxifier and removes toxins from the body. It also quenches thirst, relieves acidity and also has antidiabetic properties. It is also known to build immunity, maintains good health and prevents infections.
Arugampul Juice (Bermuda Grass Juice)

Arugampul (Bermuda Grass) – 100 gms
Honey – 100 ml
Water – 100 ml

1. Wash and clean the arugampul well.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a mixie/blender.
3. Blend well and strain the juice.
4. Pour into serving glasses.
5. Take this Arugampul Juice every morning on an empty stomach.

Arugampul Names in Local Languages:
English: Bermuda Grass
Hindi: Dhub
Sanskrit: Durva
Malayalam: Karuka
Telugu: Garikagoddi
Kannada: Garikoihallu

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